What Is Organic SEO - Search Engine Optimization

What Is Organic SEO

What is organic SEO?

Organic SEO is a method to get a website to rank as high as possible in search engines. Instead of paid traffic, organic SEO relies on search engine optimization and algorithms.

Keep reading to find out more about what is organic SEO, and how to use it to get visitors to your blog.

What is organic SEO?

In the early days of the internet, there were no SEO consultants or automated systems. The term Search Engine Optimization did not even exist until the mid-1990s. Website owners struggled to get organic traffic to their websites. Their hopes of generating revenue with their sites were only wishful dreams. Those were the days of IBM (It’s Best done Manually) and organic SEO.

Organic SEO still refers to the website optimization strategies that are used to get a website to rank high in search engines.

The rankings are based on the keywords that the site is trying to target. The only difference between Organic SEO and general SEO is that Organic SEO is a manual process. Organic SEO doesn’t use any automated processes of page submission and alteration, which are characteristics of modern SEO.

Organic SEO focuses on promoting websites on the organic search engine results. Organic SEO doesn’t involve using sponsored links, also known as Pay-Per-Click/PPC.

Search engines and how they work

You cannot do organic SEO if you don’t know how the search engines work.

A search engine is a website that gives the visitor a list of recommended websites. The recommendations are based on a specific keyword or keywords.

There are numerous factors that impact the rank of a website, including, but not limited to:

  • How secure, accessible, and mobile-friendly your website is
  • The speed of your website
  • The domain age and authority
  • The quality of your website
  • The keyword density on the website (you need to use the keyword in your content, but avoid keyword stuffing)
  • The number of inbound, outbound, and internal links on your website
  • How optimized the metadata on your website is

What is search engine optimization?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. The purpose of SEO is to bring as many visitors to your website as possible. The goal is achieved by getting your website as close to the top of the list in search engines as possible.

As a result of having more visitors, your blog could eventually become a business for you.


Optimized domain names

Getting a keyword-rich domain name is one of the ways to increase the SEO value of your blog.

If your domain describes what you are selling, you have a better chance to rank high in the search results.

The problem is that most good domain names are already taken.

Keyword research

Keyword research is the first step in getting started with organic SEO.

It takes months for any optimization strategy to take effect. That’s why an organic SEO expert’s efforts will be wasted if they optimize a website based on keywords that are not as popular as they thought.

On the other hand, less popular keywords have less competition. That’s why it may be easier for a beginner blogger to start with keywords that get fewer searches in the search engines.

Organic SEO is not easy, but it’s one of the cornerstones of a successful blog

Hopefully, you have a better idea now what is organic SEO.

Becoming an organic SEO specialist is not easy. It requires a deep understanding of the fundamentals of search engine optimization.

However, most beginner bloggers don’t have the budget to rely on paid traffic. Search engine optimization is the best way to get free traffic to your website.

It takes time to get organic visitors to your blog, but the results are well worth your patience.

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